
“La crisis se está haciendo más profunda, más tóxica, más permanente” (“The crisis is getting deeper, more toxic, more permanent”) – El Diario interview, 13/1/2018 (including the original English text of the interview)

, 15/01/2018

“Europa es exactamente lo opuesto a democracia”, asegura el ex ministro griego de Finanzas y cofundador de DIEM25, que ajusta cuentas con los protagonistas de la crisis del euro en  “Comportarse como adultos“ “El Gobierno español actuó firmemente en Bruselas contra los intereses de la inmensa mayoría de los españoles” “El bitcoin es una espléndida burbuja […]

Internationalism vs Globalisation – op-ed in The Globe & Mail, published as “Globalization is stuck in a trap. What will it be when it breaks free?” – 12 JAN 2018

, 14/01/2018

Back in 1991, a left-wing friend expressed his frustration that “really existing socialism” was crumbling, with exaltations of how it had propelled the Soviet Union from the plough to Sputnik in a decade. I remember replying, under his pained and disapproving gaze: “So, what? No unsustainable system can be, ultimately, sustained.” Now that globalization is also […]

Varoufakis: “No se engañen, la crisis sigue ahí: el euro corre peligro” – El Pais, 2/1/2018

, 02/01/2018

El exministro de Finanzas griego ha publicado un libro sobre las entretelas de la política europea Yanis Varoufakis, exministro de Finanzas de Grecia. Barcelona, 9 de noviembre de 2017 ALBERT GARCIA Polémico. Atractivo. Brillante. Controvertido. Los seis meses de Yanis Varoufakis(Atenas, 1961) al frente del Ministerio de Finanzas de Grecia lo convirtieron en una celebridad global, en una suerte […]

Bitcoin, Blockchain and the Future of Europe – Interviewed by Tom Upchurch for WIRED

, 25/12/2017

In an exclusive interview with WIRED, Yanis Varoufakis discusses Bitcoin’s bubble, the fantasy of apolitical money and the opportunities for the blockchain to reform Europe. By TOM UPCHURCH Saturday 23 December 2017 When I first met Yanis Varoufakis in the summer of 2014, he was a highly respected but relatively obscure economist. Back then, the price […]

NYT: “What to Get Theresa May for Christmas?” Answer: Adults in the Room!

, 25/12/2017

LONDON — If Santa is listening, here’s a suggestion about what to deliver Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain and David Davis, her chief Brexit negotiator: a copy of Yanis Varoufakis’s “Adults in the Room.” Mr. Varoufakis is the former Greek finance minister and his book sets out in excruciating detail the story of the 2015 […]

Calling for an immediate end to investments in new fossil fuel production and infrastructure

, 14/12/2017

DECLARATION We the undersigned, call for an immediate end to investments in new fossil fuel production and infrastructure, and encourage a dramatic increase in investments in renewable energy. We are issuing this call to action in the lead up to the climate summit hosted by President Macron in Paris this December. President Macron and other world […]

The High Cost of Denying Class War – Project Syndicate op-ed, 8th December 2017

, 12/12/2017

ATHENS – The Anglosphere’s political atmosphere is thick with bourgeois outrage. In the United States, the so-called liberal establishment is convinced it was robbed by an insurgency of “deplorables” weaponized by Vladimir Putin’s hackers and Facebook’s sinister inner workings. In Britain, too, an incensed bourgeoisie are pinching themselves that support for leaving the European Union […]

One Schulz does not a federation make: Comment on Martin Schulz’s belated federalist speech

, 08/12/2017

Isn’t it remarkable how establishment European politicians speak common sense once they have lost power and are about to begin their long slide into oblivion? Martin Schulz just copied that pattern with his passionate federalist speech and his pronouncement that “the EU cannot afford another four years of German European policy à la Wolfgang Schäuble”. Pity that […]

‘Adults in the Room’ and ‘And the Weak Suffer What They Must?’ reviewed by B. Baumer for the INDYPENDENT

, 07/12/2017

  Along with French economist Thomas Piketty, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis is making economics sexy again. Journalists enjoyed snapping photos of Varoufakis, clad in a black leather coat, commuting to the finance ministry’s offices on his Yamaha motorcycle. But his short tenure in the Greek government was marked by clashes with the country’s […]

Carry On Brexit: Is the long haul just beginning? – The Spectator podcast (audio)

, 07/12/2017

Yanis Varoufakis on EU negotiations, Sam Leith on Brexit language  and Harry Mount andSophia Money-Coutts on the Glamocracy. Click here

BBC1 Question Time, debating Trump, Brexit bill, UK regional development & Yemen, 30th November 2017

, 05/12/2017

David Dimbleby presents topical debate from Scarborough, with a panel including Conservative MP and prisons minister Sam Gyimah, Labour’s Chuka Umunna, Ukip’s new leader Henry Bolton, deputy editor of The Sunday Times, Sarah Baxter and the economist and Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25 co-founder & former finance minister of Greece. For the whole program watch below:

A Tale of Two Faltering Unions (UK and EU); and what DiEM25 proposes in response – Address at the Oxford Guild, Oxford University, 28/11/2017 (Audio + Full Transcript)

, 04/12/2017

Yanis Varoufakis, co-founder of DiEM25, former Minister of Finance for Greece and high profile economist, academic and writer, addressed The Oxford Guild  on Tuesday 28th November in the Said Business School Amphitheatre. He discussed the state of the European Union, of the United Kingdom, the political landscape globally and the political/economic/social agenda of DiEM25 across the […]

Keynote on ‘Europe and its Neighbours’, Chatham House event at the Royal Society of the Arts, London – 20th November 2017 (audio), followed by conversation with Quentin Peele

, 02/12/2017

“Britain is a great democracy imperilled by the delusion that it is a great power. The EU is a great power imperilled by the delusion that it is a great democracy. To stabilise our common neighbourhood, in the East, the Middle-East and Africa, both Europe and the UK must overcome their delusions and work toward simulating […]

Yanis Varoufakis & James K. Galbraith on Democracy & DiEM25 (the Democracy in Europe Movement), in conversation with KUT’s Rebecca McInroy,

, 22/11/2017

Listen to this insightful one hour-long discussion on democracy’s discontents in Europe and the United States between two economists who, in 2015, worked together to restore democracy in a small European country while helping its people escape debt-bondage. Here they discuss those events as well as the Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25) that is now taking […]

Discussing ‘Adults in the Room’ on ‘This is Hell!’ – Radio/Audio

, 18/11/2017

The disintegration has already begun: Austerity politics at the end of Europe. Episode 978: Debtor’s Prism After 2008, all you ended up with is functionaries of the deep establishment, minding their own interests, propagating their own careers, looking after their mates in the financial sector, and practicing the fine art of the revolving door – with […]

Aus den Schaltzentralen der europäischen Macht: Yanis Varoufakis erzählt “Die ganze Geschichte” – video DAS ERSTE-ARD

, 14/11/2017

Als griechischer Finanzminister löste Yanis Varoufakis 2015 eine der spektakulärsten und kontroversesten Auseinandersetzungen der jüngsten politischen Geschichte aus, als er versuchte, die Beziehung seines Landes mit der EU neu zu verhandeln. Trotz massiver Unterstützung, nicht nur in der griechischen Bevölkerung, sondern auch in der Obama-Administration, bei konservativen britischen Ökonomen, bei Emmanuel Macron, der damals noch […]

DiEM25 tritt als Bewegung bei Wahlen an – der Freitag

, 14/11/2017

Europa zurückholen Mit Europa steht es nicht zum Besten. Die Bewegung DiEM25 will via Demokratisierung zu einem Europa der Menschen anregen. Statt zuzusehen, wie es “über die Klippen geht” Als die GriechInnen „Oxi“, nein, zu den europäischen „Reformen“ gesagt hatten und darob von den „Institutionen“ noch schlimmer gedemütigt worden waren, schrieb ich: Europa ist gestorben (dazu […]

UK needs ‘Norway-style’ deal post-Brexit, says Varoufakis – The Irish Times

, 12/11/2017

The UK should stay within the single market for five years after Brexit and Northern Ireland beyond that under “nominal” control from the UK, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has said. Speaking on a visit to Ireland, Mr Varoufakis, who was Greece’s finance minister in 2015, said Britain should apply for a five-year transitional […]

How Trump rose to power (in 2’33”) – Business Insider video

, 09/11/2017

Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece and author of “Adults in the Room: My Battle with the European and American Deep Establishment,” explains that the rise of Donald Trump and the alt-right is a symptom of the failure of the establishment and liberal capitalism. Following is a transcript of the video. Yanis Varoufakis: My name is Yanis […]

“BREXIT: What must be avoided and what must be done, now!” – Speech at the Royal Society, London, 7 NOV 2017

, 08/11/2017

No venue is better suited for a detoxifying discussion on Brexit than The Royal Society, whose motto (Nullius In Verba – On No One’s Word) ought to be the foundation of all rational debate. I was, thus, moved and deeply honoured by the EEF’s (*) invitation to deliver their annual lecture on Brexit in The Royal Society. […]

On Catalonia, the Muslim Ban and a Sustainable World Order

, 03/11/2017

We continue our conversation with economist and former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. His new book is entitled Adults in the Room: My Battle with Europe’s Deep Establishment.        

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