
Handesblatt interview: On Germany and Europe’s crisis, 12 June 2018

, 12/06/2018

München941.000 Follower bei Twitter ist in der Währung der digitalen Neuzeit ein Spitzenwert. Für einen Ökonomen ist es ein Rekord. Und so steht Yanis Varoufakis, 57, an diesem Montagabend im nachtblauen Anzug mit nachtblauem Hemd auf der Bühne der altehrwürdigen Münchener Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität und verbreitet Rockstar-Image. Der Rebell des Euro-Systems, für fünf wilde Monate des Jahres […]

The Italian crisis was the Left’s final warning – New Statesman op-ed, 6 June 2018

, 06/06/2018

The Left must adopt a new, credible EU policy agenda: It’s time to explain how the bloc, and the euro, could be run differently, democratically and sustainably Italy’s recent political crisis has at once confirmed the European Union’s unsustainability and the left’s impotence. That the euro is a currency system within which a country like Italy cannot […]

Τα Αίτια της Ιταλικής Κρίσης – και ο λόγος που το DiEM25 ιδρύει το δικό του κόμμα στην Ιταλία – 13 Ιουνίου στο Μιλάνο

, 05/06/2018

Η πολιτική κρίση στην Ιταλία ήταν αναπόφευκτη συνέπεια της αρχιτεκτονικής της ευρωζώνης και της αποτελμάτωσης που αυτή προκάλεσε. Ο μέσος Ιταλός είναι σήμερα φτωχότερος απ’ ό,τι είκοσι χρόνια πριν, ενώ την τελευταία δεκαετία η διαφορά στο κατά κεφαλήν εισόδημα για τον μέσο Ιταλό από τον μέσο Γερμανό εκτοξεύτηκε από 12% σε 32%. Παράλληλα, για πρώτη […]

Interviewed by Vanity Fair Italia on the new 5S-Lega government – Read the original Q&A in English

, 05/06/2018

Vanity Fair’s interviewed me on the new Italian government (see here). The complete, original Q&A follows below: So, Italy has finally a government. New Premier is Giuseppe Conte, a technician who was never elected. Do you think this is acceptable?  The new government has the consent of the majority of parliament. So, it is legitimate. […]

Interviewed by Il Fatto Quotidiano on developments in Italy, Europe and Greece. Here is the original Q&A in English

, 05/06/2018

Italian daily Il Fatto Quotidiano interviewed me (see here) regarding the latest developments in Italy, Europe and Greece. The original Q&A (in English) follows: Greece is about to exit from the notorious memorandum, the austerity plan signed with the troika. Public finance has improved at a high price for the population as we all know. […]

The terrible prophesies of Brexit – op-ed in literary magazine FIVE DIALS

, 03/06/2018

Brexit rode to victory on the coat-tails of a type of discontent whose power sprang from its insuperable reluctance to specify its nature. Seemingly focused on a foreign power centre that British voters saw (with some justification) as the usurper of their democratic rights, its real focal point was nebulous and imprecise enough to encompass […]

With his choice of prime minister, Italy’s president has gifted the far right – THE GUARDIAN

, 01/06/2018

Italy should be doing well. Unlike Britain, it exports considerably more to the rest of the world than it imports, while its government spends less(excluding interest payments) than the taxes it receives. And yet Italy is stagnating, its population in a state of revolt following two lost decades. While it is true that Italy is in serious need […]

Complete text of my interview with Corriere Della Sera’s Aldo Cazzullo (in English)

, 31/05/2018

Corriere Della Sera, the Italian daily, published today an interview that I gave to Aldo Cazzullo. For the published version (in Italian of course), you can visit the paper’s site here. However, the published text is a heavily reduced version of the exchange between Mr Cazzullo and myself. For those interested in the full exchange, see […]

Merkel’s Comeuppance is Europe’s – and the World’s – Misfortune – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 30/05/2018

JOHANNESBURG – One of the most common mistakes European leaders make in interpreting US President Donald Trump’s hostility toward America’s traditional allies, or the alacrity of his administration’s efforts to blow up the international order, is to assume that all of this is unprecedented. Nothing could be further from the truth. To continue reading for […]

The Open Letter sent to me in 2015 by Paolo Savona & Giulio Tremonti, two former Italian ministers, on reforms to the EU that they considered necessary

, 29/05/2018

Rome, July 24, 2015 To Yanis Varoufakis and Dominique Strauss-Khan Dear Yanis, dear Dominique, There is a place on earth that represents Europe’s very roots: Greece. Let us begin there. Athens, April 28, 1955. Albert Camus’ conference on “The future of Europe”.[1] On this occasion, participants agreed that the structural characteristics of European civilization are essentially […]

New York Magazine – Interviewed by Felipe Ossa: “Yanis Varoufakis Has Some Ideas About How to Save the Future”

, 28/05/2018

Much of the world was introduced to Yanis Varoufakis in early 2015, when, as Greece’s bold new finance minister (he rode a Yamaha to work and tabloids touted his sex appeal), he led negotiations with the European Union, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund to restructure the country’s crushing load of government debt. […]

President Mattarella of Italy: From moral drift to tactical blunder

, 28/05/2018

I concede that there are issues over which I would welcome the Italian President’s use of constitutional powers that (in my humble opinion) he should not have.(*)  One such issue is the outrageous policy of the Lega and the promise of its leader, Mr Salvini, to expel five hundred thousand migrants from Italy. Had President Mattarella refused […]

Does capitalism make us happy? On THINK AGAIN: A Big Think podcast – 26 MAY 2018

, 27/05/2018

Yanis Varoufakis – Happiness, Inc. – Think Again – a Big Think Podcast #149 Jason GOTS: As the Wu-Tang Clan once put it: “Cash moves everything around me… Get the money. Dollar dollar bill, y’all.” I grew up not wanting to believe this. All the stuff that seemed worth having was hard to put a […]

On YouTube’s ‘The Young Turks’ (TYT), interviewed by Nomi Konst on Capitalism, Democracy and Crisis – 21 MAY 2018

, 27/05/2018

Nomiki Konst (TYT Politics) interviews former Greek Finance Minister and Greek Member of Parliament Yanis Varoufakis. Get ‘Talking to My Daughter About the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism’ here: http://a.co/eXqqRNt

At the New School, discussing ‘Capitalism and the Present Moment in History’ with Will Milberg – 7 MAY 2018

, 25/05/2018

On the day of this discussion/presentation, students and staff were occupying part of the New School as part  of a twin labour dispute: one regarding the cafeteria staff facing dismissal and partial re-employment under worse terns and a second dispute concerning low pay and lack of rights for student workers-TAs. It is in this context […]

Trump vs. Europe – Interview for The Nation podcast

, 24/05/2018

Trump vs Europe: He’s threatening European banks and industries with sanctions. If they don’t cut off trade with Iran, they would be barred from American markets and transactions with American banks. We asked Yanis Varoufakis for his analysis—he’s the former finance minister of Greece who led the resistance to European Bankers demanding austerity—now he has co-founded […]

On Trump’s tariffs and why we should never trust ‘economic experts’ – interviewed by Scott Gamm for TheStreet

, 19/05/2018

Click photo above or here for the video discussing Trump’s trade tariff strategy Click photo above or here for the video regarding the so-called ‘economic experts’    

On Iran Nuclear Deal Demise, US Trade Negotiations, Europe’s Far Right & Capitalism – TV interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!

, 18/05/2018

Click the photo above or here  for Part 1:  Yanis Varoufakis on Lost U.S. Credibility in Middle East, from Iran Deal to Israel Embassy Move Part 2: Yanis Varoufakis on Iran Nuclear Deal Demise, US Trade Negotiations, Europe’s Far Right & Capitalism In the latest economic fallout from President Trump’s decision to pull the United […]

THE NATION: Yanis Varoufakis’s vision for a more democratic Europe – a review of ‘Adults in the Room’, ‘Talking to My Daughter About The Economy’ & ‘And the Weak Suffer What They Must?’ by Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

, 15/05/2018

The idea of a unified Europe didn’t always elicit the current mixture of exasperation, boredom, and rage, in politicians and ordinary people alike. In fact, there was a time when the European Union seemed like a great initiative, especially on a continent ravaged first by two hot wars, then broken in half by a cold […]

EL PAIS: COMPORTARSE COMO ADULTOS: El exministro de Finanzas griego ha publicado un libro sobre las entretelas de la política europea

, 15/05/2018

Polémico. Atractivo. Brillante. Controvertido. Los seis meses de Yanis Varoufakis(Atenas, 1961) al frente del Ministerio de Finanzas de Grecia lo convirtieron en una celebridad global, en una suerte de estrella del rock de la política económica. Sus detractores lo caricaturizan como un extremista medio chiflado de izquierdas —según su propia definición—, enamorado de las motos potentes, de los […]

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