Today, DiEM25 has every reason to celebrate. Tomorrow we get down to work, again – Message to our magnificent activists
, 27/05/2019
“We showed Europeans how a common agenda can be put together collaboratively by many political actors coalescing from all over Europe. How a common list of candidates, in support of this common agenda, can emerge. How we can campaign across Europe, together, under the banner of this agenda. In the months and weeks leading to […]
Why we are running in this EU election – FORTUNE magazine’s report
, 24/05/2019
Nothing has ever been subtle with Yanis Varoufakis, the leather-jacketed, motorbike-riding economist who was finance minister of Greece for six of the most tumultuous months in that country’s history. Plain-spoken (to say the least) and a self-professed radical, he is, at 58, not nearly done waging war on Europe’s major power players. This week, he […]
Συνέντευξη στην ΕφΣυν εν όψει ευρωεκλογών
, 22/05/2019
Πρόκειται πράγματι για το μόνο κόμμα που είναι εθνικό και πανευρωπαϊκό ταυτόχρονα. Από κει και πέρα, τo ΜέΡΑ25 και το DiEΜ25 (σ.σ. το ευρωπαϊκό του όνομα) είναι γνωστό ως το κόμμα του Γιάνη Βαρουφάκη. Ο ίδιος κατεβαίνει υποψήφιος ευρωβουλευτής στη Γερμανία, έχει δηλώσει πως αν εκλεγεί θα παραδώσει την έδρα του, τάσσεται αναφανδόν υπέρ, όπως […]
A Greek Canary in a Global Goldmine – Project Syndicate op-ed 17 May 2019
, 20/05/2019
ATHENS – The eurozone country that has become synonymous with insolvency is today proving to be a treasure-trove for some. Traders who bought Greek assets a few years ago have good reason to celebrate, having banked returns that no other market could have provided. But, as is often the case, an opportunity that seems too […]
The European elections could be an opportunity for a transnational Green New Deal – Adler & Wargan in The New Statesman
, 17/05/2019
Forget the People’s Vote: the upcoming elections for European Parliament have become the new second referendum. To one side, Nigel Farage hopes to gather the Leave vote behind his new Brexit Party. To the other, a splintered coalition of Greens, Changers, Lib Dems, and Labour candidates are campaigning for Remain. Both sides agree on the […]
Should Jeremy Corbyn commit to a second referendum? The Independent
, 12/05/2019
Should Jeremy Corbyn adopt an unequivocal commitment to holding a second referendum? Under normal circumstances, it should be an easy question to answer: democrats who think of referendums as a useful injection of direct democracy into our system of representative government, should be in favour. And those who are sceptical of referendums should be against. […]
Tageszeitung-TAZ: DiEM25 as the best hope for overcoming Europe’s nationalist resurgence
, 12/05/2019
Europe is in deep political crisis, and without renewal, the Union could soon fall apart. This is shown by Brexit, the strengthening of Euroscepticism in Italy, in Germany and many other countries. Many now rely on the French president as a renewal and saviour. But Emmanuel Macron is not the right person to stop the slow dying of the European […]
Συζητώντας με την ομάδα του ΝΟΣΤΙΜΟΝ ΗΜΑΡ για όλα
, 11/05/2019
Συζήτηση για όλα με την ομάδα του Νόστιμον Ήμαρ που με υποδέχτηκε στις 16 Απριλίου στο στούντιο του Indieground Radio όπου ακολούθησε μια απολαυστική συζήτηση για περισσότερες από 2 ώρες. Diem25 και το Μερα25 Το ΜέΡΑ25 πρεσβεύει το ελληνικό πατριωτικό μέτωπο των υπεύθυνα ανυπάκουων ευρωπαϊστών, που αποτελεί αναπόσπαστο μέρος του πρώτου στην ιστορία δι-εθνικού πανευρωπαϊκού κινήματος για τον εκδημοκρατισμό […]
“DiEM25 is something I’m really pouring my heart into and I’m learning every day.” Pamela Anderson in FT Alphaville
, 11/05/2019
Pamela Anderson explains to FT Alphaville’s Jemina Kelly her enthusiasm for DiEM25: “The fact that a Greek economist, Yanis Varoufakis, and a Croatian philosopher, Srećko Horvat, are running in Germany show that these elections are not about national politics but about the future of Europe as such. I am glad to see that Europe finally […]
For the youngsters who emigrated. For the silent grief of those who stayed behind. That’s why we vote for MeRA25 in Greece
, 04/05/2019
For those of you interested in a glimpse into our Greek election campaign (European and national), here is a translation of MeRA25’s first radio advertisement for the forthcoming European and national elections (featuring, naturally, DiEM25’s theme music composed & performed by our very own Brian Eno). More radio and tv MeRA25 ads will follow soon. For the youngsters who […]
It is time the world unites around an International Green New Deal – The Guardian
, 24/04/2019
By Yanis Varoufakis and David Adler: In times of crisis and catastrophe, children are often forced to grow up quickly. We are now witnessing this premature call to action on a planetary scale. As the adults in government accelerate their consumption of fossil fuels, children are leading the campaign against our species’ looming extinction. Our […]
DiEM25 and the European Parliament election in the UK: A proposal
, 23/04/2019
DiEM25 members are currently debating our collective stance viz. the European Parliament elections in the UK (that, remarkably, may or may not take place). Since 2016, DiEM25 has been on the right side of history regarding Brexit. Our position was the result of a boisterous internal dialogue and a series of all-member votes that have […]
A Dream of Spring: Emma Steiner interviews DiEM25’s David Adler
, 18/04/2019
Yanis Varoufakis and the DiEM25 movement are making headlines with their call for a more democratic and just European Union. Varoufakis brings his experience dealing with the EU as the former finance minister of Greece to the table for the European Spring, a European Parliament electoral slate that includes an ambitious and audacious vision for […]
FT Alphachat 28 MAR 2019: On Democracy, Europe, the UK and Greece
, 05/04/2019
Alphaville’s Jemima Kelly and Izabella Kaminska sat down with Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece and current organiser of a trans-European group, DiEM25, of what he calls “radical Europeanists” — in favour of union, without deflation or austerity. Mr Varoufakis answers criticism from the left, pointing out that even if the euro or the […]
Brexit: On May’s mistakes and the best road ahead – Financial Times video
, 31/03/2019
Sharing a taxi with the FT to give my view on how Prime Minister Theresa May undermined herself – and on the steps that must be taken next. https://www.ft.com/video/01aef2cb-81b9-4dbb-9f8b-85a0c9559097
BBC Question Time, Sheffield 27th March 2019
, 31/03/2019
“Britain needs a People’s Debate on its business model and its Constitution independently of how Brexit pans out… The most sensible way would be for the UK to exit the EU but stay in both a Custom’s Union and the Single Market for an indefinite period (though not forever). After the People’s Debate is complete, […]
The Breugel-Financial Times Spitzenkandidaten series: A debate with Yanis Varoufakis
, 27/03/2019
You can also hear the debate, if you prefer audio from video, click here
The swallows of the EUROPEAN SPRING are in full flight. If you missed it, watch the launch of our European Parliament election campaign at the Bozar, Brussels
, 27/03/2019
On Monday 25th March, the EUROPEAN SPRING was launched at the Bozar Theatre in front of friends, supporters and hopeful citizens of Europe. For the first time in Europe’s history, a common list of candidates is presented across Europe promoting a single agenda – the NEW DEAL for EUROPE that we worked on together for […]