
Caroline Lucas & Yanis Varoufakis search for what went wrong with democracy – THE BIG ISSUE

, 21/10/2019

The Green Party MP and the MeRA25 leader journey from democracy’s inception through the tumultuous Brexit period and through to the year 2035 There’s chaos on the streets of Westminster as the activists of Extinction Rebellion bring traffic to a standstill to highlight the urgency of action on the climate crisis. If the old democracy […]

Progressive Internationalism & why a Corbyn government is the only cure for a terrible Brexit – openDemocracy video interview

, 21/10/2019

At this year’s The World Transformed, we caught up with some of the key figures in the movement for a new economy and politics. In the grand finale of our exclusive series, Yanis Varoufakis speaks to ourEconomy about Brexit, the coming UK general election, a constitutional assembly for Britain, and his agenda of a new Bretton Woods, public […]

With a recession on its way, it is time we demanded an International Green New Deal

, 15/10/2019

Last April, again in The Guardian, David Adler and I called for a particular Green New Deal to be implemented internationally. Now that a new recession is ante portas, we are renewing this call, suggesting that we cannot afford yet another ‘good’ economic crisis to go to waste. Our latest piece in The Guardian follows: […]

I just pulled out of a conference in Turkey in protest at the invasion of Northern Syria’s Kurdish region

, 11/10/2019

It is with profound regret, and after much reflection, that I am pulling out as a speaker at an interesting and worthy international conference organised by TRT World in Istanbul on 21st October. I do so in protest of the Turkish armed forces’ invasion of Northern Syria. The ongoing invasion is not only an assault […]

Naomi Klein supports MeRA25-DiEM25’s campaign against oil & gas extraction in Greece

, 02/10/2019

This morning, in Greece’s Parliament, MeRA25’s parliamentarians are staging an all-out struggle against the ratification of disastrous contracts between the previous (SYRIZA) government and multinational oil companies. The contracts to be ratified give the companies (including Exxon-Mobil and Total) full licence to drill, extract and exploit gas & oil reserves across Greece’s beautiful seas (Ionian, […]

Time for ECB bonds! (Yes , things are this bad) – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 26/09/2019

ATHENS – During his tenure as President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi forged a variety of weapons that he deployed to shield the eurozone from menacing deflationary forces. Without them, the euro would have been history. However, the deflationary specter haunting Europe was never truly defeated and is now back with considerable vengeance. In the […]

Boris is doing a troika, not a Varoufakis – IRISH EXAMINER

, 27/08/2019

ATHENS – Ever since Boris Johnson moved into 10 Downing Street vowing to re-negotiate the United Kingdom’s withdrawal agreement with the European Union, the conventional wisdom among many Brexit opponents has been that the UK’s new prime minister is “doing a Varoufakis” and will be crushed in similar fashion. The BBC’s Katya Adler reported from […]

Για την οργανωτική δομή και τις καθολικές ψηφοφορίες του ΜέΡΑ25 – σκέψεις στο δρόμο για το 1ο Διαβουλευτικό Συνέδριο

, 23/08/2019

Καθώς το ΜέΡΑ25 ανοίγει τις πόρτες του σε όλο και πιο πολλούς νέους συνοδοιπόρους, έχει σημασία να εμπεδώνουμε ξανά και ξανά το δημοκρατικό πνεύμα και τις συμμετοχικές πρακτικές του DiEM25, του οποίου αναπόσπαστο μέρος είναι το ΜέΡΑ25. Για παράδειγμα, είναι εύλογο ότι κάποια από τα νέα μέλη αναρωτιούνται πως είναι δυνατόν για τις θέσεις του […]

Η εσωτερική δημοκρατία του DiEM25-ΜέΡΑ25 στην πράξη

, 23/08/2019

Η κορυφαία καθολική ψηφοφορία των μελών DiEM25-ΜέΡΑ25 για την εκλογή της νέας Συντονιστικής Επιτροπής είναι σε εξέλιξη. Μην ξεχάσεις να ψηφίσεις έως την 28η Αυγούστου Όταν λέμε ότι το κίνημά μας είναι το πρώτο ενιαίο πανευρωπαϊκό δημοκρατικό κίνημα, το εννοούμε. Ζούμε και βιώνουμε την δημοκρατία στην πράξη. Κάθε εβδομάδα τα μέλη απ΄ όλη την Ευρώπη […]

IQ Squared presents Yanis Varoufakis and Brian Eno on Money, Power and a Call for Radical Change – London, 4th November

, 09/08/2019

The liberal order is under threat. Increasing inequality, the rise of far-right nationalism and the climate emergency pose unprecedented challenges. It’s time for some radical thinking. On November 4th Intelligence Squared is bringing to its stage two of the world’s great radicals – Yanis Varoufakis, the former Greek finance minister known for his trademark leather jacket, motorbike and […]

My first speech as MeRA25 leader in Parliament – with English subtitles

, 06/08/2019

MeRA25’s entry into Greece’s Parliament marks the return of anti-austerity, anti-troika, radical europeanism. In this first speech I outlined our campaign to oppose the new parasitic oligarchy that New Democracy will be building on the 4th Bailout deal with the troika that SYRIZA left behind

Jeremy Corbyn’s finest hour? IRISH EXAMINER (Project Syndicate)

, 31/07/2019

Jeremy Corbyn must expose Boris Johnson’s no-deal Brexit as a Trump-deal Brexit and put forward Labour’s plan to end the interminable Brexit ordeal immediately, suggests Yanis Varoufakis Boris Johnson is the first British prime minister in a long time who is free of dilemmas regarding his approach to the European Union. For better or worse, Johnson’s […]

Discussing the Green New Deal for Europe – StartupTV

, 27/07/2019

StartupTV presents Yanis Varoufakis, Greek academic, economist and politician, talking about his vision for the future of European politics, including a Green New Deal for Europe. In 2015, Varoufakis launched his own party, The Democracy in Europe Movement, or DiEM25, alongside Croatian philosopher Srećko Horvat. Varoufakis’ vision for a Green New Deal, financed by green […]

What the Labour Party-DiEM25 collaboration is all about – speech by Yanis Varoufakis, now with video

, 18/07/2019

On Sunday 14th July, the Labour Party and DiEM25 leadership teams agreed to embark upon a common agenda for Europe and beyond. Later that day, the collaboration was announced at the closing plenary of the International Social Forum convened by the Labour Party at SOAS, London and opened by Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour […]

Lagarde at the ECB – my take in The Guardian

, 16/07/2019

Christine Lagarde was a key member of the infamous troika – Greece’s official creditors – who crushed our people’s resistance to perpetual debt bondage. The other key figure alongside the International Monetary Fund’s then managing director was Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, who played a central role in that drama by engineering the closure of […]

Against extractive practices (social & environmental). Interviewed by Kate Aronoff for DISSENT

, 15/07/2019

“We have to talk to people in a way that combines addressing these [economic] anxieties with the issues of the environment. Unless we manage to do that, we will fail.” Kate Aronoff  Summer 2019 Yanis Varoufakis celebrating the anniversary of the Carnation Revolution in Portugal in 2018 (Pedro Ribeiro Simões/Flickr) The last few years have been […]

A tiny incident at Paris airport that speaks volumes about our Europe – the whole story

, 14/07/2019

Small incidents can pack hefty messages. Yesterday afternoon, a tiny drama unfolded at Paris airport, as I was disembarking the airplane that had brought me over from Athens. It speaks volumes about the state of our European Union and the drift toward inane authoritarianism. A French policeman, for no obvious reason, took it to himself […]

How Syriza’s capitulations allowed the Greek right to escape the dustbin of history – The New Statesman

, 09/07/2019

The left-wing party’s embrace of austerity created the conditions for a parasitic and cruel oligarchy to return The Greek right is back: greedier, uglier and more focused than ever. The incoming New Democracy government is determined to reclaim full control of the state on behalf of the most parasitic segment of Greece’s oligarchy and, of course, of […]

MeRA25 as the only ray of hope on the day the recalcitrant Greek Right returned to office – Election Night message

, 08/07/2019

Greece’s Tories, the New Democracy party and its leader, Mr Kyriakos Mitsotakis, today are the victors in our general election. However, their victory that was set in motion on the night of the referendum (5th July 2015) by Mr Tsipras, the outgoing Prime Minister. Lest we forget, it was immediately after the Greek people’s magnificent NO […]

On how DiEM25’s Green New Deal differs from the agenda of the European Greens – a debate with Sven Giegold

, 11/06/2019

To read DiEM25’s Green New Deal and join the many, including 18 parties from 13 countries, that have ‘taken the pledge’, click here.

MeRA25: Greek progressives’ chance to take the fight against austerity back into Parliament – JACOBIN

, 11/06/2019

Amid the bad results for the Left in the European elections, the Greek outcome was particularly poignant. In the last such contest in 2014, Syriza rode the revolt against austerity to become the largest single party, in its final step toward national office. Five years later, in last month’s election, it finished ten points behind the […]

Since the Withdrawal Agreement cannot be re-negotiated before Brexit, only a stark General Election can clear the air – The Telegraph

, 05/06/2019

Theresa May’s sequence of strategic errors has rendered impossible a soft Brexit. By adopting red lines consistent solely with a hard Brexit, while denying herself the option of walking out without a deal, the Prime Minister engineered the current stalemate. Now, Mrs May is about to bequeath a poisoned chalice to her successor. The next […]

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