
LIBERATION: Bruno Le Maire dans les pas de Yánis Varoufákis?

, 14/06/2017

  Le ministre de l’Economie va proposer une indexation du remboursement de la dette grecque en fonction de la croissance du pays. Neuf thérapies en forme d’austérité budgétaire, trois plans d’aides, un changement de gouvernement et, au bout du compte, un énorme fiasco. Malgré l’obstination de la «troïka» (BCE, FMI et Commission européenne), qui n’a cessé d’imposer (le pistolet […]

What lies behind the euro crisis, Brexit & Trump: Keynote at the FundForum International, Berlin & a discussion with Megan Greene

, 12/06/2017

Keynote at the FundForum International conference in Berlin, 12th June 2017. Followed by a discussion with Megan Greene.

How to build a democratic Europe in a post-Brexit landscape – interviewed for Jacobin by Doug Henwood

, 22/05/2017

Yanis Varoufakis negotiated with the EU elite over the Greek bailout, witnessed firsthand the callous mathematics used to keep the union together. Today — after OXI, after Brexit, and after Trump — he and his comrades in DiEM25 are calling for a New Deal for Europe: a plan that can stabilize the European Union and […]

Discussing Adults in the Room with Phillip Adams, Late Night Live, ABC Radio National

, 11/05/2017

Insider account of Europe’s Establishment Economist and academic Yanis Varoufakis was always a political outsider, who gained notoriety when he challenged Europe’s political leaders, the European Central Bank, the European Commission and the IMF during Greece’s economic crisis. He exposed these leaders and institutions as being self-serving, while not considering the disastrous effects of austerity […]

Why we support Macron in the second round – op-ed in Le Monde (English original) and DiEM25 France in Mediapart

, 02/05/2017

In today’s Le Monde I call upon French progressives to vote for Macron in the second round of France’s Presidential election. The article explains my recommendation to French voters and finishes off with the following promise to Emmanuel: “I shall mobilise fully to help you beat Le Pen with the same strength that I shall […]

Ecuador has much to teach us in the Eurozone

, 27/04/2017


CNN op-ed following Article 50: The EU cannot survive if it sticks to business as usual

, 02/04/2017

March for a Different Europe in Rome, March 25, 2017. From DiEm25 facebook page. Allowing EU member states to move in different directions and at different speeds is precisely the wrong way to address the differing concerns of Europeans living in different countries – and it seems an odd way to unite them behind a […]


, 02/04/2017

Marzo 2017 LA FINANZA RACCONTATA DALLA SUA SCATOLA NERA Mib 0.45% Il piano del movimento DiEM25 per salvare l’Europa da se stessa: uno European New Deal, con una Banca europea di investimenti dalla quale la Bce comprerebbe i bond, uno European Equity Depository, un Dividendo universale di base al posto del reddito universale. L’ex ministro […]

Congressman Huizenga Introduces Bill to Oppose IMF’s Third Greek Bailout

, 17/03/2017

Anyone who doubted that the IMF is in deep trouble over its inane involvement in the toxic Greek bailout, and Berlin’s policy of extending Greece’s insolvency ad infinitum while the country’s social economy shrinks, should now have no more doubts. Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI), a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee, yesterday introduced the IMF […]

Varoufakis and De Masi Press Conference at European Parliament – Wednesday 8th March 10.00

, 06/03/2017

Varoufakis and De Masi demand publication of ECB legal opinion for the closure of Greece’s banks Greece’s former finance minister, with German MEP, to hold press conference Wednesday, March 8, to announce filing a vital Freedom of Information request to the ECB. (Click Brussels Press Conference DiEM25 Press Release for pdf version) WHEN: Wednesday, March […]

Interviews in relation to the launch of DiEM25 Netherlands

, 27/02/2017

Click here for the 9fornews interview and here for the Brandpunt interview    

EU, Brexit, Greece, the Left’s relationship with the State & Ireland: Long interview with Ben Lowry

, 25/02/2017

  For the first part of the interview on News Letter’s site click here. For the second part here. Or…

DiEM25 Belfast Launch – 24th February 2017

, 25/02/2017

  DiEM25 was launched in Belfast officially on 24th February 2017. The event was preceded by a phone in on BBC Radio Ulster available here.  

Bringing down divisions – DiEM25 Belfast event tonight 24 FEB 2017

, 24/02/2017

Tonight’s event will be streamed live from 21.00 Central European Time. Click below:    

Brexit – an unorthodox perspective | Guardian Live event

, 20/02/2017

 27th January 2017 Srećko Horvat, a Croat philosopher, Elif Shafak, renowned Turkish novelist, and Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s former finance minister, bring to this conversation an intriguing perspective. As intellectuals who know Britain well, they understand first hand the perils of nationalism, disintegration, isolationism and marginalisation. They place post-Brexit Britain in a context informed by a […]

A New Deal to Save Europe

, 14/02/2017

LONDON – “I don’t care about what it will cost. We took our country back!” This is the proud message heard throughout England since the Brexit referendum last June. And it is a demand that is resonating across the continent. Until recently, any proposal to “save” Europe was regarded sympathetically, albeit with skepticism about its […]

Open Letter to the editor of The Times: Your Athens correspondent has done it again!

, 13/02/2017

Dear Sir, A day after one of your able journalists interviewed me in London, with a view of composing a piece for your newspaper (which I suppose is forthcoming), my attention was drawn to a separate piece that I am sure slipped inadvertently into your newspaper through your various filters. Its defamatory and wholly made-up title tells […]

A New Deal to Save Europe – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 23/01/2017

LONDON – “I don’t care about what it will cost. We took our country back!” This is the proud message heard throughout England since the Brexit referendum last June. And it is a demand that is resonating across the continent. Until recently, any proposal to “save” Europe was regarded sympathetically, albeit with skepticism about its […]

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