
The Case Against European Rearmament – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 25/03/2025

If we truly want to strengthen Europe, the first step is not to rearm. It is to forge the democratic union without which stagnation will continue to erode Europe’s capacities, rendering it unable to rebuild what is left of Ukraine once Vladimir Putin is finished with it. ATHENS – Inducting Ukraine into NATO after forcing […]

WTF happened to Europe? Speech at DiEM25’s Brussels Event (National Theatre, 7th March 2025)

, 10/03/2025

Good evening Brussels! We once had a dream. It was a dream of what Europe could have been. A Europe of shared prosperity, dignity, freedom – a Europe of Peace and Hope. That dream is now dead, lost, gone, kaput. Why? What the hell happened to Europe? We know what happened to Europe! We know […]

The sordid paradox that was the 2025 German federal election – Euronews

, 24/02/2025

This German federal election is a paradox: Simultaneously irrelevant – in the sense that it will result into another variant of the same, quasi permanent, coalition of Christian & Social Democrats, perhaps with a splattering of the pseudo-Greens – the same coalition that put Germany on the road to a secular slump, will continue to […]

Europe in the Post-Atlanticist Era – The Guardian

, 21/02/2025

JD Vance, the US Vice President, told Europeans that their values are no longer America’s values. Pete Hegseth, the US Defence Secretary, added that Europeans “can’t make an assumption that America’s presence will last forever.” Keith Kellog, Trump’s special envoy for Ukraine and Russia, confirmed that Europe will not have a seat at the table […]

How Europe succumbed to the US & the financial sector and now fights their wars

, 21/02/2025

Jakob de Jonge sits down with Yanis Varoufakis to discuss the structural flaws of the European Union, the rise of warmongering, and the complicity of Europe’s political mindset in the genocide in Gaza. What is the path forward? Varoufakis argues that resistance is not only necessary—it is both meaningful and, as he puts it, “fun […]

Europe’s Self-Betrayal: War, Austerity, Palestine and the Struggle for Peace – Munich Speech, 15-2-2025

, 21/02/2025

Friends, Germans, citizens from all over, sisters and brothers. We once had a dream. It was the dream of what Europe could have been: Not a single market, a single currency or a common budget. No, we dreamt of Europe as a Peace with Justice Project. That dream has gone, it evaporated in the cold […]

My reply to Chris Giles celebration of the eurozone bailouts in the Financial Times

, 13/12/2024

@ChrisGiles (Financial Times) decided to have some fun by celebrating “The astonishing success of Eurozone bailouts”, using Greece as the poster girl/boy of that exercise in futility, the EU’s most spectacular failure. With such friendly scribblers, Europe has no need for sworn enemies! His evidence? That Greece, the basket case of the euro crisis, reported […]

A European War Union? – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 22/04/2024

Advocates of European unity used to celebrate the European Union as a peace project. But well before Russia invaded Ukraine, the European vision of a peaceful road to shared prosperity had begun to frazzle, and now the invasion has facilitated the EU’s mutation into something much uglier. ATHENS – Europe has become unrecognizable. Advocates of […]

Reversing Europe’s and Australia’s slide into irrelevance & insecurity – National Press Club of Australia speech

, 14/03/2024

“Europe and Australia are facing a common existential threat: a creeping irrelevance caused, on the one hand, by our failure properly to invest and, on the other hand, by our ill-considered slide from a strategic dependence on the United States to a non-strategic, self-defeating servility to Washington’s policy agenda.” Yanis Varoufakis’s address at the National […]

The Two Faces of the Euro: Jacques Delors and Wolfgang Schäuble – Project Syndicate Long Read

, 03/02/2024

Of all European politicians who never led their countries, Jacques Delors and Wolfgang Schäuble had the greatest impact on Europe. Between them, the two men, who passed away within a day of each other in December, shaped today’s European Union, warts and all. ATHENS – Of all European politicians who never led their countries, Jacques Delors and Wolfgang […]

Wolfgang Schäuble (1942-2023)

, 27/12/2023

Wolfgang Schäuble was the embodiment of the political project of buttressing a monetary union in which he himself did not believe. To do so he had to impose violent austerity even in Germany and to dismantle democratic institutions in countries like Greece. In other words, Schäuble personified the explosive contradiction that gave birth both to […]

Europe’s Bad China Bluff – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 24/12/2023

Against the backdrop of the new cold war between the United States and China, the European Union’s top brass seems to be adding to the pressure on China by issuing credible threats in response to four grievances. Alas, the Chinese authorities are probably more amused than alarmed. ATHENS – On the December 7, the presidents […]

Why Europe is not free to relate to China – China Daily op-ed

, 11/12/2023

As the 24th EU-China Summit concluded on Thursday, it is natural to want to look behind the declarations and official speeches to identify the deeper forces shaping the European Union’s relationship with China and its policies toward China. But to understand the nature of these forces, it is crucial to go back to the very […]

Christine Lagarde’s Gifts to Populists – Project Syndicate

, 27/09/2023

Since taking over as president of the European Central Bank in late 2019, Christine Lagarde has committed three major errors that play right into the hands of right-wing populists. Now, one can only hope that these parties’ own incompetence will sink them before next year’s European Parliament elections. ATHENS – Christine Lagarde’s three blunders as president […]

Austerity Ruined Europe, and Now It’s Back – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 17/07/2023

The United States is experiencing an investment boom, owing to industrial policies that grant enormous subsidies – including to European firms – for investing in America, largely in green tech. Europe, meanwhile, is responding with a return to the austerity policies that caused it to fall behind the US in the first place. ATHENS – […]

What’s behind the Great Volatility? Audio of SSGA Zurich Address

, 26/02/2023

From the Great Moderation to the Great Crash, the Great Recession, the Great Stagnation, the Great Inflation and, finally, to the Great Volatility. What are the forces driving this 50yr dynamic? Plus an answer to: “What did the euro crisis teach us about the EU’s various debt instruments?” A lecture delivered on 24th January 2023 […]

Will China Dump Its Dark Deal with America? – Project Syndicate

, 20/02/2023

A new cold war is upon us, but only China is in a position to push it beyond the point of no return. That moment will come when China’s policymakers cross the Rubicon and decide to wean Chinese economic growth off the US trade deficit. ATHENS – True hegemons prevail not by force but by […]

Is Europe Deindustrialising? – Project Syndicate

, 23/01/2023

The real problem confronting European manufacturing is not the threat of factory closures. It is that, compared to the United States and China, Europe has fallen far behind in the race to accumulate, and benefit from, the cloud capital that represents the future of profit in industries like electric cars and green energy. ATHENS – […]

Europe’s electricity market: the scam of the century? – Video

, 21/09/2022

Every fortnight, DiEM25’s coordinating team livestreams our internal discussions of topics central to Europe’s and the world’s current predicament. On 8th September 2022 we discussed the electricity price hikes that, like a wrecking ball, are destroying what is left of Europe’s sustainability as an economic and social entity. Here is a clip of my analysis […]

, 18/09/2022

Greeks and other southern Europeans could now be feeling schadenfreude as Germany faces the collapse of its economic model in the face of the Ukraine war and the new cold war with China. But with a democratic Europe in the balance, this is no time to gloat. ATHENS – It is never easy to wake […]

Tι θα έπρεπε να κάνει η ΕΚΤ, το οποίο αρνείται να κάνει – Σχόλιο της Les Echos σε συνέντευξή μου στην Le Temps

, 20/06/2022

Με άρθρο του στη γαλλική εφημερίδα «Les Echos» ο Pierre Demoux σχολίασε την κριτική που έκανε σε συνέντευξή του στην ελβετική εφημερίδα «Le Temps» ο «αντικομφορμιστής πρώην υπουργός Οικονομικών της Ελλάδος», όπως χαρακτηριστικά αναφέρει, Γραμματέας του ΜέΡΑ25, Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης, αναφορικά με την ανακοίνωση της Ευρωπαϊκής Κεντρικής Τράπεζας για σταδιακή αύξηση των επιτοκίων. Συγκεκριμένα, αναφέρει το άρθρο, […]

Merkel’s tenure condemned Germany to wealth-fuelled decline & the EU to debt-fuelled stagnation – JACOBIN

, 28/09/2021

Angela Merkel’s tenure will be remembered as Germany’s, and Europe’s, cruelest paradox. On the one hand, she dominated the continent’s politics like no other peacetime leader — and is leaving the German chancellery considerably more powerful than she had found it. But the way she built up this power condemned Germany to secular decline and […]

Angela Merkel’s austerity condemned Europe and Germany to decline – The New Statesman

, 28/09/2021

At the height of the eurozone crisis, one of Angela Merkel’s close advisers explained to me her driving ambition: to bequeath to her successor a stronger chancellery than she inherited. If so, as Merkel prepares to retire, she should be delighted. Germany’s trade surpluses, and thus political clout, are far greater now than when she took office […]

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