Goodbye, LINKE!
, 22/03/2025
In its quest to become a ‘normal’, ‘acceptable’ party, Die Linke has joined the warmongering radical centrists in their rearmament folly This past week was one for the history books. The German parliament amended the constitutional debt brake so as to enable unlimited military spending, irrespectively of how deeply into the red it will push […]
Το απεχθές παράδοξο των γερμανικών ομοσπονδιακών εκλογών του 2025 – Euronews
, 24/02/2025
Αυτές οι γερμανικές ομοσπονδιακές εκλογές μόνο ως ένα αρνητικό παράδοξο μπορούν να χαρακτηριστούν: Ταυτόχρονα ασήμαντες – με την έννοια ότι θα καταλήξουν σε μια άλλη παραλλαγή του ίδιου, σχεδόν μόνιμου, συνασπισμού Χριστιανοδημοκρατών και Σοσιαλδημοκρατών, ίσως με μια μικρή δόση ψευδο-Πράσινων – τον ίδιο δηλαδή συνασπισμό που έβαλε τη Γερμανία στο δρόμο προς την συνεχόμενη αποτελμάτωση. […]
The sordid paradox that was the 2025 German federal election – Euronews
, 24/02/2025
This German federal election is a paradox: Simultaneously irrelevant – in the sense that it will result into another variant of the same, quasi permanent, coalition of Christian & Social Democrats, perhaps with a splattering of the pseudo-Greens – the same coalition that put Germany on the road to a secular slump, will continue to […]
Europe’s Self-Betrayal: War, Austerity, Palestine and the Struggle for Peace – Munich Speech, 15-2-2025
, 21/02/2025
Friends, Germans, citizens from all over, sisters and brothers. We once had a dream. It was the dream of what Europe could have been: Not a single market, a single currency or a common budget. No, we dreamt of Europe as a Peace with Justice Project. That dream has gone, it evaporated in the cold […]
What to expect from Sunday’s German election – video
, 21/02/2025
On Sunday, Germany goes to the polls. The least significant result is that we shall have a new Chancellor: Mr Friedrich Mertz, the leader of the Christian Democrats, who will most likely receive double the votes of the unpopular incumbent social democratic Chancellor Mr Olaf Scholz, a politician destined either to return to a new […]
MERA25: DiEM25’s new German (!) Party is now a reality
, 27/12/2021
You may have heard of MeRA25, the first political party that DiEM25 created in Greece – and which entered Greek Parliament in July 2019. Well, true to our ambitious transnational agenda, DiEM25 took matters further: We recently established MERA25 as a… German political party that is now legally and organisationally ready and willing to contest […]