
"Europe's house is on fire. No room for complacency." – Keynote by James Galbraith at the European Parliament

, 28/06/2013

On June 27, James Galbraith keynoted a conference at the European Parliament entitled “Achieving Europe,” sponsored by the parliamentary socialists and social democrats. Listen here. Brief closing statement here. 

EUROPE UNHINGED – Article in the European Financial Review

, 23/06/2013

The following article was commission by the European Financial Review which just published it online – a hard copy version of the periodical is also out soon. It is based largely on the ideas in my Global Minotaur. For the EFR’s site click here. 

The Australian Dollar, China's Bubble, QE Exit and the Eurozone: Guest Post

, 22/06/2013

I just received an interesting letter from a colleague who authorised me to share its essence with you, but without revealing his identity. The views expressed are his own and, though I do not agree with his conclusion, I believe this short letter should be essential reading for all those of us who follow the […]

In conversation with Dr Stefan Fuchs, of Deutschland Radio Kultur (dradio.de)

, 17/06/2013

Dr Stefan Fuchs, of Deutschland Radio Kultur, paid me a great compliment a couple of weeks ago when he visited me in Athens and put to me pertinent, hard, questions on the state of the global political economy, on Europe, on economics etc. That interview has just been published on the dradio.de site and is […]

Interviewed by Kristina Bozic, for OBJECTIV

, 08/06/2013

On 13th March Kristina Božič paid me a great complement by interviewing me for slovenian journal Objectiv.  The breadth and insightfulness of the questions gave me much pleasure. To read the article in its original home, click here. Alternarively, read on (Google translate does a decent job)…

Mixed messages from the IMF: Interview with Tom Hirst

, 03/06/2013

An interview follows with Tom Hirst, the shining light behind the new economics and finance website Pieria (well with visiting for the diversity of views it offers). To read the interview, which focuses on the IMF’s attitude toward Britain on the one hand and the Eurozone on the other, click here for the Pieria site […]

EUROPE AFTER THE CRISIS: Combining the feasible, the desirable and the essential (Lecture in Greek, Athens 4th June)

, 31/05/2013

Το «Τhe Hub Events» και ο Νικόλας Πρωτονοτάριος  οργάνωσαν την Τρίτη 4 Ιουνίου 2013, στις 20:00 την τελευταία για φέτος συνάντηση του Hub Science, στο πλαίσιο του οποίου πραγματοποιήθηκε η διάλεξη του καθηγητή οικονομικής θεωρίας και συγγραφέα Γιάνη Βαρουφάκη με θέμα «Η Ευρώπη μετά την κρίση: Μεταξύ του εφικτού, του επιθυμητού και του απαραίτητου». Πατήστε εδώ για […]

The Utopia of Democracy: May 12th to 18th in Zagreb

, 08/05/2013

Beginning this coming Sunday 12th May, and lasting all of next week, the 6th Subversive Festival will be held in Zagreb. This year’s general theme is: THE UTOPIA OF DEMOCRACY. Speakers will include Tariq Ali, Oliver Stone, Susan George, Franco Bifo, Alexis Tsipras, Jean Luc Melenchon, Eric O. Wright. Slavoj Zizek and… yours truly. It promises […]

Macroeconomic experiments: Abenomics versus Euro-austerity

, 03/05/2013

The ABC’s (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) online periodical, THE DRUM, commissioned me to write an article comparing and contrasting the policy responses to the Crisis of Japan and of the Eurozone. Click here for the ABC’s website. Or read on below…

On CBC Radio's 'Writers' Program: Interviewed by Eleanor Wachtel on the Global Minotaur

, 08/04/2013

Over the past few years, I have been interviewed extensively on my views of the Crisis and my writings. Of all these interviews, this is the one that I enjoyed giving the most. Eleanor Wachtel generously afforded me the space to talk about Greece, my parents (and my experiences of growing up in Greece in […]

'Coffee' with the General Secretary of the OECD, discussing the Global Crisis; plus a talk on the Global Crisis

, 30/03/2013

As some of this blog’s regulars may remember, on 1st March 2013, I was invited to meet with the General Secretary  of the OECD, Mr Angel Gurria, to exchange views on the global economic crisis and to discuss alternative policies that may help end it. Now, the OECD has produced a brochure capturing these meetings as […]

At the OECD, Paris, this Friday 1st March, speaking to: "The Euro Crisis, Asia's Woes and America's Dilemma in a Global Context"

, 26/02/2013

This coming Friday, 1st March, I shall be addressing the OECD on the need to re-think the Euro Crisis, Asia’s angst and America’s conundrum. My argument will be that markets cannot be trusted to correct the global imbalances underpinning our collective woes. Political action is needed at a global scale. Correction: In the original post, […]

Europe needs a hegemonic Germany

, 22/02/2013

For six decades Germany was being pampered by a hegemonic America that oversaw the write-off of its wartime debts, the reversal of Allied designs to de-industrialise it and, above all else, the constant generation of the global demand which allowed German manufacturers to concentrate on efficiently producing quality, desirable wares.

Guest post: The Crisis as a repercussion of global imbalances, by Peter Dorman

, 19/02/2013

Peter Dorman wrote this piece in 2009 shortly after the financial implosion and has recently revised it. While I agree with almost all of what he has to say, one comment seems to me pertinent: The global rebalancing which Peter mentions, toward the paper’s end, is (a) uncertain and, to boot, (b) certain, if it happens, […]

On the Global Minotaur’s Recycling Loop: An elementary comparison of US-German and Intra-Eurozone trade & capital flows

, 17/02/2013

This post was occasioned by a reader’s (Alejandro Calve Seferian) query: Why do I presume that an accelerating US trade deficit required an offsetting tsunami of net capital flows, from the Rest of the World to the US, in order to ‘close the loop’ and, thus, provide long term aggregate demand to the Rest of […]

A discussion with Evergreen College students on the state of the global economy

, 15/02/2013

Yesterday, 14th February 2013, I spent a wonderful 75 minutes visiting a wonderful class of students at Evergreen College – the inverted commas denoting that I did so from… Austin, using the excellent AV facilities of both Evergreen and the LBJ Graduate School of Public Affairs (thanks are due to the excellent support staff on both ends). […]

European Banking Union: Behind the rhetoric

, 09/02/2013

On 8th February 2013, the Texas International Law Journal organised a conference on the theme of  The Nation State and its Banks. Click here for the full program. The organisers were kind enough to invite me to give the lunchtime talk, which I chose to be European Banking Union: Behind the rhetoric. You can here an […]

The Global Minotaur reviewed in the Calcalist (in Hebrew) by Uri Pasovsky

, 08/02/2013

As the second edition of my The Global Minotaur is about to hit the bookstands, Uri Pasovsky just published an extensive review of it in Calcalist, the leading Israeli business daily. Thanks Uri. Click here for the review.

How can Europe overcome the crisis – by Robert Misik

, 23/01/2013

“The euro zone slips into the  Merkel-recession”, writes Robert Misik in the German Trades Union Federation’s magazine AGAINST APERTURE. But, he adds, there are realistic alternatives. Some economists have developed ambitious plans. The DGB a Marshall Plan for Europe is one such.  Click here to go to Misic’s webpage or read on…

Toward an evolutionary model of the Eurozone Crisis: Ayers Scholar address, ASSA, San Diego

, 08/01/2013

We are all familiar with the so-called domino effect, or contagion, that began in Greece and has taken its toll throughout the Eurozone. Interestingly, no formal economic model has ever attempted to capture the essence of this negative dynamic. When the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) chose to honour me with the ‘Ayres Scholar for 2013’ accolade, […]

Up from Here? Panel discussion on 'The Impediments to Recovery' with K. Arrow, R. Gordon, E. Laursen and Y. Varoufakis

, 06/01/2013

On 4th January 2013, in the context of the ASSA-AEA Annual Conference, EPS (Economists for Peace and Security) organised a panel to discuss the ‘Global Crisis and the Impediments to Recovery’. The organisers afforded me the distinct honour of sharing a platform, to discuss our world’s most pressing issues, with Kenneth Arrow and Robert Gordon. […]

Video: Debt Crises and the World Economy, Seattle Town Hall

, 28/12/2012

On 20th November, a wonderful crowd came to Seattle Town Hall to hear me talk about Debt Crises and the World Economy, effectively a presentation of the main thesis of The Global Minotaur, suitably updated for 2012 and beyond. It was a rare occasion made possible by a crowd with which I felt a special bond […]

Ten highs and ten lows, circa 2012: my intensely biased list

, 26/12/2012

THE HIGHS The definitive discovery of the Higgs boson particle that confirms our capacity to grasp the ways of the universe first through logic and theory and later empirically; a triumph of human reason Mitt Romney’s implosion at the ballot box At last, a decent James Bond flick A piece of graffiti in downtown Athens […]

Will the real economy rebound, following Wall Street's resuscitation? And what of Europe? – Interviewed by El Confidencial

, 20/12/2012

Another Spanish newspaper, El Confidencial, were kind enough to interview me on the global and european crisis, on the occasion of the Global Minotaur‘s Spanish translation-edition. Here is the interview, in English (the actual article will appear in Spanish, of course). Read on…

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