Italy, Greece and Europe after the European Parliament elections: An interview with Alessandro Bianchi
, 01/06/2014
How the current policies of the Brussels-Berlin-Frankfurt triangle are based on a propaganda campaign reflecting continuing Crisis Denial and why they constitute an attempt to create a new financial bubble – Why SYRIZA is a pro-European progressive party, in contrast to UKIP and Ms Le Pen’s FN – What should we expect of the new Italian government and why there […]
On Sun News TV (Canada): The Euro Project in the light of the 2014 European Parliament Elections
, 30/05/2014
Faith Goldy interviews Yanis Varoufakis to discuss the future of the European Union based on the historic results of recent European Union elections (Duration: 7 minutes)
A Review of the Global Minotaur (2nd edition) from an Australian perspective; by Paul Tyson
, 22/05/2014
Is there Life After Money? A Summary, with comments, of Yanis Varoufakis’ The Global Minotaur: America, Europe and the future of the world economy, Zed Books By Dr Paul Tyson, Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Nottingham. [Note that the cover displayed here is of the German edition. Click here for the […]
QE for infrastructure investment could be ECB’s alternative to ‘pushing on a string’ – Tom Bowker, Central Banking Journal
, 19/05/2014
Tom Bowker, of the Central Banking Journal and, has written about my proposal that the ECB’s Quantitative Easing program should be aimed at purchasing bonds issued by the European Investment Bank/Fund as part of an Investment-led Recovery Program for the Eurozone as a whole.
How should the ECB enact Quantitative Easing? A proposal
, 19/05/2014
The ECB has no alternative to enacting some form of Quantitative Easing (QE) in order to prevent deflationary expectations from setting in fully. Core inflation has already reached a level that, even according to Mr Draghi’s own pronouncements on 24th April, should have already triggered off QE. (See also Wolfgang Munchau’s well argued case here.) However, […]
‘European Progressive Policy Initiative’ endorses the Modest Proposal’s four main policies
, 01/05/2014
A group of noted international economists (including Joseph Stiglitz, Peter Bofinger and Stefanie Griffith-Jones), known as the European Progressive Policy Initiative (EPPI), has issued a policy paper that endorses the main planks of our Modest Proposal for Resolving the Euro Crisis 4.0. EPPI was assembled in 2013 by Europe’s social democratic alliance in the European […]
James Galbraith on Piketty’s Capital in 21st Century – video/interview
, 26/04/2014
See also James Galbraith’s splendid review of T. Piketty’s ‘Capital’ here.
Vicious Disequilibrium, in the Los Angeles Review of Books
, 09/04/2014
Are we witnessing a new global balance? Or a new incongruity pregnant with the crisis’ next phase?
Das Kapital for the Twenty-First Century? A review of T. Piketty’s new book by James K. Galbraith
, 03/04/2014
Thomas Piketty has a new book out: Capital in the Twenty-First Century. It is an ambitious volume that sets out to explain the sources of inequality and social tensions in the context of his own anatomy of… Das Kapital. As this book is receiving a great deal of attention, a proper review is in order. Thankfully, James K. Galbraith […]
Bengt-Ake Lundvall: "The Portuguese Manifesto could become a trigger for change"
, 27/03/2014
Bengt-Ake Lundvall is a co-signatory of the petition by 74 of us in favour of an immediate restructuring of Portugal’s public debt. Here are his reasons for signing the petition. (And, for readers who missed them, here are the reasons I gave for signing the same petition.)
Think Big, Think Bold
, 25/03/2014
Why the Left in Britain and in the Eurozone must aim for a radical Pan-European Green New Deal The Centre for Labour and Social Studies (CLASS) kindly invited me to draft a possible Manifesto for the European Left, in view of the May 2014 European Parliament election. Here is the final document I produced entitled […]
Why I signed the petition for a Portuguese debt restructure
, 21/03/2014
Jorge Rodrigues, of Portuguese daily Expresso, asked me to explain why it is that I signed the petition of 74 economists calling for an immediate debt restructuring of Portugal’s public debt, how this ‘call’ squares up with our Modest Proposal and what type of debt restructuring I had in mind. Click here for the interview as […]
Interviewed by L’Express
The Express published an interview I gave to Benjamin Masse-Stamberger a week ago. interview The Lasted one hour, over Skype, and Its Version of published nicely captures what Benjamin and I Discussed. The gist of it Will not surprise regular readers: The Greek 'bailout' was a sinister exercise in banking Transferring Losses from the books [...] , 07/03/2014
Austerity as a destabilising assault on the New Deal institutions: A joint presentation by J.K. Galbraith & Y. Varoufakis (video)
, 27/02/2014
A debate involving James K. Galbraith, Yanis Varoufakis and Jeff Sommers (in the role of moderator) took place on 24th February at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee in the context of the George Kennan Distinguished Lecture Series. An amateurish recording is available here. For ease of ‘navigation’, a list of topics (with their location on […]
Don't Try This at Home! Greek Austerity
, 26/02/2014
by JEFFREY SOMMERS and YANIS VAROUFAKIS This is an op-ed published in initially in the Wisconsin-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, on 22nd February 2014, and then in CounterPunch, on 26th February 2014. You can read the text here by clicking…
Peter Bofinger’s Euro-bundles are a Step Backwards – to the EFSF’s toxic bonds. But they do point to a real solution
, 10/02/2014
by James Galbraith, Stuart Holland and Yanis Varoufakis (*) Peter Bofinger’s proposal for Euro-bundles (see here for an introduction) serves the noble purpose of rekindling the debate on the Eurozone’s fiscal and monetary incoherence. The idea behind Euro-bundles is to issue a common bond without joint liability that the ECB can then purchase in the […]
, 03/02/2014
For those of us who grew up under totalitarian regimes, it is noteworthy that Europeans are resorting to a time-honoured tradition: telling jokes as a form of defiance. Here is one: “Why did Europeans agree to form the euro?” “Because”, the joke goes, “the French feared the Germans, the Irish wanted to escape Britain, the […]
Being Greek and an Economist While Greece Burns: An intimate account – MGSA Keynote 2013
, 16/11/2013
(Gonda Van Steen introduced the audience to the MGSA 2013 Conference and Artemis Leontis introduced me. The talk begins at around 10′, when the audio becomes loud and clear) The Modern Greek Studies Association (MGSA) kindly invited me to deliver its 2013 Keynote, at the MGSA biannual Conference held at Indiana University. I grabbed the opportunity […]
On ABC Radio National's 'Big Ideas' program: 'The Dirty War for Europe's Integrity & Soul'
, 30/10/2013
ABC Radio National’s ‘Big Ideas’ program has now broadcast my talk entitled The Dirty War for Europe’s Integrity & Soul (original broadcast: 30th October, 20.05 Sydney time). [Click here for details of the lecture.] For the complete transcript click here – please note that the ABC (to fit in both the talk and the discussion the […]
Jobs, Investment, and Rebuilding America: Economic and National Security Issues – Workshop in Washington DC, 12th November
, 30/10/2013
Economists for Peace and Security is organising a workshop on Jobs, Investment, and Rebuilding America: Economic and National Security Issues. It will take place at the Hyatt Regency, Washington DC, Capitol Hill. The keynote speech will be delivered by Jason Furman, Chair of the US Council of Economic Advisers. My involvement will concern the economic and financial […]
Can the Eurozone Be Saved?
, 27/10/2013
European Political Leaders and Policy Experts to Meet for Two Days in Austin to Discuss The LBJ School of Public Affairs of the University of Texas at Austin will host a two-day conference on the fate of the Eurozone on Nov. 4 and 5. “Can the Eurozone Be Saved?” will convene European political leaders and […]
The Dirty War for Europe's Integrity and Soul
, 25/10/2013
Inaugural ‘Europe Public Lecture’, UWS, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney On 23rd October 2013, I was honoured by the Department of History of the University of Western Sydney with an invitation to deliver their inaugural Europe Public Lecture. The event took place in the State Library of New South Wales, in Sydney. The […]
Off to Oz to talk Europe
, 18/10/2013
Next Wednesday evening, the 23rd of October, I shall be delivering The Inaugural Europe Lecture of the University of Western Sydney at the State Library of New South Wales. (Please note that till then postings will be rudimentary.) The talk itself will be entitled “The Dirty War for Europe’s Integrity and Soul” (For details click […]
The US Debt Ceiling Strife from a European perspective
, 17/10/2013
Cooled down in the proverbial 11th hour, at least until it is brought back on the boil next January, the US debt ceiling clash puzzles Europeans and gives them an opportunity to re-asses their own leaders’ shenanigans.