2nd anniversary of the OXI vote & our parallel payments system: Its importance confirmed by the oligarchic press’ continuing, ritualistic distortions
, 05/07/2017
Today, on the anniversary of the stupendous NO with which 62% of Greek voters responded to a third predatory loan ultimatum from Greece’s ‘official’ lenders (the troika: IMF, ECB, EU), Greece’s oligarchic press – in cahoots with the troika itself – is hard at work in its attempt to demonise the people of Greece for having dared […]
Adults in the Room – reviewed by Adam Tooze (Columbia University)
, 02/07/2017
Reading Varoufakis: Frustrated Strategist of Greek Financial Deterrence (click here for the original site) by Adam Tooze Adam Tooze holds the Shelby Cullom Davis chair of History at Columbia University and serves as Director of the European Institute. He is currently at work on a history of the global financial crisis 2008-2018, which will appear […]
Europe’s Gradualist Fallacy – Project Syndicate op-ed
, 28/06/2017
ATHENS – Europe is at the mercy of a common currency that not only was unnecessary for European integration, but that is actually undermining the European Union itself. So what should be done about a currency without a state to back it – or about the 19 European states without a currency that they control? […]
Martin Wolf, in The Financial Times, on ‘Adults in the Room’: “A tragedy because Varoufakis was – and is – right. The bulk of Greek debt should indeed be cancelled outright.”
, 24/06/2017
This is a superbly written account of the struggle to alleviate the austerity imposed upon the Greek people by the eurozone. Greece, argues Varoufakis, has been put in a debtors’ prison and robbed of autonomy and dignity for the indefinite future. Critics would argue that he failed as finance minister in 2015 because he was […]
Interviewed by Chris Newlands for the Financial News – 19 June 2017
, 21/06/2017
It is no surprise that Yanis Varoufakis, the former finance minister of Greece, turns up to our interview without a tie. The 56-year-old famously arrived at Downing Street in 2015 for a meeting with the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, with his shirt untucked. More surprising is that the left-wing economist, who led negotiations […]
Looking back in anger – review of Adults in the Room, The Hindu Times
, 19/06/2017
A former minister’s account of how Greece handled a financial meltdown is a tell-all political memoir like no other G. Sampath Whether it is agricultural policies that hurt farmers’ interests or labour ‘reforms’ that erode workers’ rights, or welfare cuts that hurt the poor, it has been seen time and again in democracies around the […]
A 90 minute exchange with Russell Brand on everything: politics, aesthetics, religion, dialectics , 16/06/2017
Jane Goodall’s review of Adults in the Room – Insider Story
, 30/05/2017
Dragged behind a chariot, watched by the crowd If you studied economics at Sydney University in the 1990s, you might have had the good fortune to be taught in first year by a charismatic young lecturer who earned the nickname of the Greek God. Yanis Varoufakis, who in his youth bore some resemblance to John […]
, 30/05/2017
What happens when you take on the establishment? In this blistering, personal account, Yanis Varoufakis blows the lid on Europe’s hidden agenda and exposes what actually goes on in its corridors of power. ‘One of the greatest political memoirs of all time’ (Guardian) The Sunday Times Number 1 Bestseller Varoufakis sparked one of the most […]
How to build a democratic Europe in a post-Brexit landscape – interviewed for Jacobin by Doug Henwood
, 22/05/2017
Yanis Varoufakis negotiated with the EU elite over the Greek bailout, witnessed firsthand the callous mathematics used to keep the union together. Today — after OXI, after Brexit, and after Trump — he and his comrades in DiEM25 are calling for a New Deal for Europe: a plan that can stabilize the European Union and […]
Only Theresa May can end this inhumane tug of war over EU citizens – THE HOUSE Magazine op-ed
, 21/05/2017
The HOUSE Magazine is the inhouse publication of the UK’s Houses of Parliament. This piece was commissioned to discuss what the British government should do in relation to EU residents post-Brexit. For the sake of Britain’s economy, and soul, Theresa May must immediately and unilaterally guarantee the rights of EU citizens currently residing in the […]
John Kampfner’s review of Adults in the Room – The Observer
, 15/05/2017
Maybe Barack Obama isn’t such a saint after all. Before welcoming Greece’s embattled finance minister to the Oval Office, the then president told his Greek-American audience: “I might as well walk up to him and ask to borrow some money.” The presidential joke fell flat. Greece had become the object of mirth and bullying by […]
Paul Tyson’s review of Adults in the Room – openDemocracy
, 11/05/2017
PAUL TYSON 11 May 2017 (Click here for the site) A lot, maybe the future of Europe, depends on how you read the opening conversation with Larry Summers in ‘one of the greatest political memoirs of all time.’ Theological Review. Greeks in Syntagma Square to celebrate the win of the ‘Oxi’ (Greek for no) […]
Discussing Adults in the Room with Phillip Adams, Late Night Live, ABC Radio National
, 11/05/2017
Insider account of Europe’s Establishment Economist and academic Yanis Varoufakis was always a political outsider, who gained notoriety when he challenged Europe’s political leaders, the European Central Bank, the European Commission and the IMF during Greece’s economic crisis. He exposed these leaders and institutions as being self-serving, while not considering the disastrous effects of austerity […]
Talking about Adults in the Room on Sweden’s EFN , 05/05/2017
A state of political disrepair: On Brexit, the EU, and trashing the establishment
, 05/05/2017
Interviewed by openDemocracy
Why the French left should have backed Macron in the 2nd Presidential Round – The Guardian
, 04/05/2017
In 2002, Jacques Chirac, the French right’s leader, faced Jean-Marie Le Pen, the leader of the racist Front National, in the second round of France’s presidential election. The French left rallied behind the Gaullist, conservative Chirac to oppose the xenophobic heir of Vichy collaborationism. Fifteen years later, however, large sections of the French left are […]
Paul Mason’s review of Adults in the Room in The Guardian
, 03/05/2017
Yanis Varoufakis once bought me a gin and tonic. His wife once gave me a cup of tea. While dodging my questions, as finance ministers are obliged to, he never once told me an outright lie. And I’ve hosted him at two all-ticketed events. I list these transactions because of what I am about to […]
The Brexit traps that will defeat Theresa May – The Guardian
, 03/05/2017
“It’s yours against mine.” That’s how Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s finance minister, put it to me during our first encounter in early 2015 – referring to our respective democratic mandates. A little more than two years later, Theresa May is trying to arm herself with a clear democratic mandate ostensibly to bolster her negotiating position with […]
Macron tried to help Greece. He deserves the Left’s vote – Le Monde op-ed
, 02/05/2017
[For the Le Monde website click here. The original article in English is posted below] A year ago, at an event at the New York Public Library, Noam Chomsky and I were asked by a member of the audience where we stood regarding the impending electoral duel between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Both Noam […]
On Theresa May’s EU negotiating tactics – BBC Radio 4 World at One, 2nd May 2017 , 02/05/2017
Daily Telegraph’s serialisation of Adults in the Room
, 29/04/2017
Prior to the publication of my ADULTS IN THE ROOM, the Daily Telegraph serialised ten of the events the book turns on: A strange visit by Merkel’s go-between The blocked Chinese deal The key Berlin meeting Osborne meeting Tapped phone calls Coup d’état: How the government overthrew the… voters Dressing with dash: The story of that leather jacket The […]
Η παρουσίαση της Νέας Ευρωπαϊκής Συμφωνίας του DiEM25 & η ανακοίνωση της εκλογικής έκφρασής της το 2019 – Συνέντευξη τύπου στην Ρώμη 24 Μαρτίου 2017
, 28/03/2017
Στις 25 Μαρτίου, την επέτειο των 60 ετών από την Συνθήκη της Ρώμης, το DiEM25 παρουσίασε την πανευρωπαϊκή του ατζέντα οικονομικής & κοινωνικής πολιτικής στην Ρώμη. Την προηγούμενη μέρα, σε συνέντευξη τύπου στο Κέντρο Ξένων Ανταποκριτών της Ρώμης, οι Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης και Lorenzo Marsili μίλησαν στα μέσα για την ατζέντα αυτή, που το DiEM25 αποκαλεί ΝΕΑ […]
The Guardian on the paperback edition of ‘And the Weak Suffer What They Must?’
, 07/03/2017
Click here for The Guardian site. Or…