
The Global Economic Crisis: Can Canada Escape a Lost Decade?

25/01/2012 by

On Thursday 25th January, I shall be participating in what seems like a fascinating debate in the Canadian House of Commons. Organised by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, we shall be discussing the Crisis’ impact on Canada, the wisdom (or otherwise) of its government’s planned responses and the links between the Canadian, American, European and emerging economies. I am very much looking forward to the meeting. For details see below. 

House of Commons: Railway Committee Room, Centre Block, 9:00-9:10: Introduction (Bruce Campbell)

Keynote I: Perspectives on the global crisis and what to do!

Yanis Varoufakis (Stephanie Griffith-Jones will join in by video conference from England)


10:15-30: Coffee break:

10:30-12:00: Panel I: Canadian dimension of the crisis and assessment of the policy response. (Focus is on shorter-term macro-economic policy.)

Moderator: Evan Solomon—Host of CBC News Network’s, Power & Politics; and CBC Radio’s The House.

Patti Croft, Alice Nakamura, Mario Seccareccia, Jim Stanford

Discussion with audience

12:00 pm-1:00pm: Lunch

Keynote II:Perspective on the US and theglobal crisis, and the way forward. 

Thomas Palley

2:15-2:30 pm: Coffee Break:

2:30-4:00 Panel II: External environment, domestic structural weaknesses, and the path to sustained economic recovery

Moderator: Norma Greenaway, long-time journalist and currently professor in the School of Journalism, Carleton University

Panelists: Roy Culpepper, Andrew Jackson, Brenda Spotton Visano, Eric Pineault

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