
Dangerous fantasy: Gold, Bitcoin won’t help you find freedom outside government – Interviewed on Kitco NEWS

, 06/06/2022

Central banks should issue their own democratically controlled crypto, not bypassed by Bitcoin-like cryptocurrencies” I told David Lin, Anchor and Producer at Kitco News; a service catering largely to the crypto community who (as you will see in the comments) cannot stand my rejection of their collective fantasy that crypto currencies will liberate us from […]

What is money, really? And why Bitcoin is not the answer (even if blockchain is brilliant & potentially helpful in democratising money)

, 02/08/2021

Recently, I argued that a central bank cryptocurrency can be a useful tool in the struggle to democratise money. Such a tool is, of course, not enough. The main task in democratising money is first to democratise the central bank – before deploying useful instruments like a central bank cryptocurrency. As many readers (correctly) pointed […]

Why Bitcoin is not a socialist’s ally – Reply to Ben Arc

, 27/07/2020

On 15th July, Ben Arc published in Bitcoin Magazine an open letter addressed to me in a bid to convince me that I should re-assess my rejection of Bitcoin as a force for good; as a bulwark for democratising capitalism and paving the ground for socialism. Here is my reply: Dear Ben Arc, Thank you […]

Bitcoin, Blockchain and the Future of Europe – Interviewed by Tom Upchurch for WIRED

, 25/12/2017

In an exclusive interview with WIRED, Yanis Varoufakis discusses Bitcoin’s bubble, the fantasy of apolitical money and the opportunities for the blockchain to reform Europe. By TOM UPCHURCH Saturday 23 December 2017 When I first met Yanis Varoufakis in the summer of 2014, he was a highly respected but relatively obscure economist. Back then, the price […]

On Bitcoin’s potential: Q&A on what Bitcoin can and cannot offer a troubled world

, 13/03/2014

Following my debate with Andreas Antonopoulos on ABC Late Night Live, graduate students of mine (at the University of Texas) were kind enough to piece together a related Q&A reflecting my views on BTC. Read on…

Debating Bitcoin on ABC Late Night Live, with Phillip Adams and Andreas Antonopoulos

, 13/03/2014

In this lively debate, on ABC Radio National’s excellent Late Night Live (with Phillip Adams in the chair), we discuss what makes Bitcoin a fascinating technology, whether it is a genuine currency, its parallels with the Gold Standard and what I have called previously the dangerous fantasy of apolitical money.

BITCOIN: A flawed currency blueprint with a potentially useful application for the Eurozone

, 15/02/2014

The responses of many to my post on Bitcoin reveal a powerful tendency to underestimate the ill-effects of deflation on a social economy. This tendency to underestimate deflation’s deleterious impact matters beyond debates on Bitcoin per se. For example, in Europe the incapacity of the European Central Bank (ECB) to act in the face of […]

Bitcoin and the dangerous fantasy of ‘apolitical’ money

, 22/04/2013

The Crash of 2008 has infused our societies with enormous scepticism on the role of the authorities, both government and Central Banks. It is quite natural that many dream of a currency that politicians, bankers and central bankers cannot manipulate; a currency of the people by the people for the people. Bitcoin has emerged as […]

ΤΕΧΝΟΦΕΟΥΔΑΡΧΙΑ – μια βιντεο-παρουσίαση του βιβλίου

, 02/07/2024

Όπου κι αν κοιτάξουμε, βλέπουμε το Κεφάλαιο να θριαμβεύει. Να κυριαρχεί παντού: στα εργοστάσια, στα γραφεία, στην ύπαιθρο, στα πανεπιστήμια, στις θάλασσες, στα νοσοκομεία, στα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης – στο Διάστημα, αλλά και στον μικρόκοσμο των γενοτύπων. Πώς τολμώ λοιπόν να ισχυρίζομαι ότι ο καπιταλισμός εξοντώθηκε; Από ποιον; Η απολαυστικά ειρωνική απάντηση είναι ότι ο […]

Jacobin Magazine’s David Moscrop reviews my TECHNOFEUDALISM

, 22/02/2024

The idea that we are entering an era of techno-feudalism that will be worse than capitalism is chilling and controversial. We asked former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis to elucidate this idea, explain how we got here, and map out some alternatives. The controversial concept of techno-feudalism suggests we have transitioned from capitalism to something even […]

FORTUNE Magazine’s Nick Lichtenberg reviews my TECHNOFEUDALISM

, 22/02/2024

When I admit to my fandom as we sit down for a zoom interview, he immediately tells me off. (This is exactly what I wanted.) “I don’t want fans in life, you know,” he says. “Ever since I entered politics, I acquired two things that I never wanted to have: enemies and fans.” You see, […]

Technofeudalism -a video essay summarising the book

, 04/02/2024

Wherever we turn, we witness the triumph of capital. Capital has prevailed everywhere: in warehouses, factories, offices, universities, public hospitals, the media – in space but also in the microcosm of genetic engineering. So, how do I dare claim that capitalism has been killed? By whom? The deliciously ironic answer is that capitalism was killed […]

Iran’s Revolutionary Moment as the Internationalist Left’s Great Challenge – by Shoja Azari

, 24/10/2022

Shoja Azari, is an Iranian visual artist and filmmaker based in New York, working with Sherin Neshat, his life-long partner and comrade, on art projects of note and substance. Their last project is  Land of Dreams, a magnificent new film set in the United States but ever so redolent of meaning viz. the New Iranian […]

Discussing Crypto, the Left & Technofeudalism with Evgeny Morozov – CRYPTO SYLLABUS long interview

, 23/04/2022

Rare is the person who could expertly comment – in a single interview! – on the rise of NFTs and their origins in the virtual worlds of gaming, the logic of the emerging regime of techno-feudalism, and the folly of El Salvador’s Bitcoin-heavy negotiating tactics with the IMF. Luckily, we have found this person in […]

Slo Mo: The Moment Capitalism Died. And Imagining an Enlightened Economy | Interviewed by Mo Gawdat

, 26/01/2022

  To LISTEN TO THE PODCAST, ClICK HERE Today’s guest is Yanis Varoufakis, the world renowned economist, member of the Hellenic parliament, and former Greek finance minister who’s been called the “rockstar politician who took on the EU.” This was an absolutely mind blowing conversation, and I recommend approaching it like the most enlightening and […]

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