
DiEM25’s internal Brexit Process Referendum is on – analysis & open call

22/11/2016 by

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Democracy starts at home! So, at DiEM25 we decide on the movement’s important policy positions by means of an internal vote/referendum that follows a free and frank internal exchange. Below you will find the four options that our members are currently voting for (there will be a runoff vote if none of them secure 50% of the votes plus 1). You will also find a briefing on the state-of-play with the Brexit process (or is it shambles?).

  • Click here a pdf copy of post-Brexit analysis/briefing
  • If you want to see other points of view expressed by DiEM25 members and join the debate at the Post-Brexit DiEM25 Forum, you will need to become a member first (click here, then click ‘Participate’ and ‘Join In’) and then proceed to the Forum.
  • If you want just to take a quick look at the four options DiEM25 members are voting amongst, …

Two weeks ago we asked members to suggest what DiEM25’s position should be on how Britain should manage Brexit. We went through all the submissions and boiled the options down to these four below. Now, the vote is on on what should be DiEM25’s official position.


Activation of Article 50, conditional on an interim EEA-type agreement:

  • We support the immediate triggering of Article 50 (with or without Parliamentary approval), so long asthe UK government commits to propose to Brussels (at the time Article 50 is triggered) an interim EEA (Norway/Swiss-like) UK-EU arrangement to come into force two years after Article 50’s activation.
  • If the above condition is not met, we oppose the activation of Article 50.

Long-term agreement: Using the ‘space’ created by the Interim EEA-type Agreement (see above), we support negotiations between the UK and the EU leading to a long term agreement regarding the UK-EU relationship, to be approved by the British Parliament elected after Article 50’s activation.


Unconditional activation of Article 50: We support the immediate triggering of Article 50 (with or without Parliamentary approval).

Interim and long-term agreement

We support negotiations between the UK and the EU leading to an interim EEA (Norway/Swiss-like) UK-EU arrangement (to come into force two years after Article 50’s activation) and, subsequently, to a long-term agreement viz. the UK-EU relationship to be approved by the Parliament elected after Article 50’s activation.


Unconditional opposition to activating Article 50: We support a Parliamentary vote against the activation of Article 50, with or without the provision of a second referendum to overturn Brexit.


No position on Article 50 or a interim/long-term agreement: We will work toward bringing together pro-European political forces but do not take a position on the triggering of Article 50, nor on the form that an agreement (interim or long term) between the EU and the UK ought to take.


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